How Global Events Put U.S. Fair Housing in Jeopardy
And, What We, Real Estate Pros, Can Do About It.
Here’s to a strong last quarter of 2023, Real Estate Friends!
As you plan for Q1 success of 2024 (that’s what my coaching clients and I are already doing!), there is something vital to the real estate industry’s longevity — this is a key to creating (not waiting) for opportunities in a tight RE market — that I am seeing being put on the “back burner”.
Did you know over the last one hundred and “fifty-ish” years (starting roughly with the first unofficial fair housing act, the Civil Rights Act of 1866), tensions outside of the U.S. have put U.S. fair housing in jeopardy for everyday people, not directly associated with any of those military tensions?
How so?
Global tensions are not imagined nor should they be minimized – at the same time it is important to recognize that a specific neighbor, buyer, or tenant may be of a different religion, nationality, color, race, sexual orientation or any other protected class and not be a threat.
Check out the full article (click here) on my blog that was also featured in Inman News here.
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI):
Creating (not waiting) for opportunities in a tight RE market — here’s one option to help First Nation/native homebuyers: click here
I filmed this week a fair housing segment for the TV network, Fox Soul. I will share how to watch it in the next stack and I hope it’s helpful to you and your clients!
My 5-star rated workbook, Fair Housing DECODER©, is now exclusively offered via Barnes and Noble, woo hoo! Thank you all for your support!
Feel free to download a complimentary ebook (click here) or visit Barnes and Noble’s website (click here) to purchase copies for your whole team.
“A visual demo of "‘redlining’” IG reel with over 300,000 views (as real estate pros, please see the comments as many in our communities are unaware but we can help them decode it): click here
📌The pizza ad metaphor explained: Similar to this recent “redlining” settlement with Ameris (mentioned in the video), some banks are saying they offer financial services in ALL communities. From afar, it seems they do✅ But after *close inspection*, 🧐 the U.S. Department of Justice found in the last 2 years that communities of Color (aka Indigenous/Native, Hispanic/Latino/Latine, Black and Asian) are being denied affordable financial services🚩. Their advertising feels as phony as seeing a “wallet” with “money” from afar but upon close inspection, it’s fake money (that might as well be in another country’s currency like the pizza ad) to lure people to just spend their money (in this case on pizza but in the case of “redlining” on subprime services).
Here’s to YOUR success!