Ideas for Real Estate: 2023 Intentions + Courageous Children + Honoring MLK Day with The King Center
Monthly Real (Estate) Talk for January 2023
How's the start of 2023 been for you, Real Estate Friends?

I hope this year is off to a great start! If your answer is, "Ummm not quite" or any semblance of that, then be sure to reflect on and answer the following eight(ish) pivotal coaching questions when starting a new year.
Sidebar: For my coaching clients, we reviewed these in some form or fashion in your Oct. - Dec. sessions but this is a good check-in (I don't always ask them as bluntly as below but email newsletters need to be concise).
Personal Accountability: Questions to Coach Yourself
What lead generation activities and other business practices worked best for you in 2022 that will still be relevant with the changing market? How can you continue those activities and perhaps make even more time for them?
In what ways did your unique personality serve you well in 2022? How can you do more of that going forward?
What became more important to you and what become less important in 2022?
What did you start and finish in 2022? What motivated you to accomplish this? **This uncovers motivation that you may need to leverage in 2023.
What did you start and not finish in 2022? Does this need to be eliminated for 2023 or restarted with additional tools and/or support (e.g. a new CRM, hire/fire team members, (re)start coaching, etc.)?
Which boundaries felt difficult to maintain in 2022?
What is the biggest business lesson you learned in 2022? How can you apply this lesson to 2023?
What word or phrase is going to guide your intentions in the new year?
A Sacrifice Worth Remembering By All Real Estate Professionals
As an honored custom in January since the 1986 bill, it is time to observe and reflect on the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose tragic assassination became the necessary catalyst for fair housing rights becoming federal law.
Take Action: Please Join Me for A Day of Remembrance
If you are not familiar with how Dr. King’s death spurred the passage of federal fair housing laws, or if you want ideas to honor the day/weekend, get the rundown from this important Atlanta REALTORS® Rundown podcast interview (by the Atlanta REALTORS® Association) with Dr. Elizabeth Rosner (affectionately called Dr. Roz), who is The King Center's NV365 Special Projects Manager. Dr. Roz shares how you can participate in activities hosted by The King Center (which houses Dr. and Mrs. King's nonviolent teaching legacy and is their burial site) anywhere in the world.
In addition to listening to and sharing this podcast (thanks in advance!), please ask your teams/offices and associations to commemorate MLK Day by specifically naming Dr. King's legacy of federal fair housing legislation, which has made the American dream of homeownership possible for many of those in our communities that would have historically been overlooked (including me and some of you!) because of the “Big 7” (race, religion, sex, national origin, color, familial status, and disability).
Furthermore, I hope you will also share with your teams/offices, associations, clients, and databases this popular article that was featured in Inman News giving even more context:
Real (Estate) Talk: Dr. King's Most Challenging Struggle Was Housing and Where It Stands Today
Thank You
THANK YOU for inviting me (and having me back!) to speak on fair housing with your teams, offices, and associations for not only MLK day/weekend but also Black History Month (February), Women’s History Month (March), National Fair Housing Month (April), National Homeownership Month (June) and really throughout the year because fair housing does not have to be relegated to a special month.
I am very excited to share the 2023 version of my popular course, the Fair Housing DECODER©, live via webinar/Zoom and in person. Or, if you want to take it at your leisure, check out the on-demand version at
And, it’s not too late to book a workshop. Let this be a gentle reminder to plan for your group’s 2023 fair housing initiatives. Feel free to schedule a chat (click here: to get a talk on the books for your group.
How Did We Get Here? “A Little Child Shall Lead Them…”
While we are on the subject of Dr. King, did you know that precious, little children marched during The Civil Rights Movement alongside Dr. King?

The bravery of those children is bittersweet. Their spirited spunk is sweet; yet, the fact that discrimination forced their tiny hands is oh so cruel and bitter. Frankly, it is hard for me to fathom the level of hatred that impressionable, dear children, who are worthy of communal protection from all (no matter their race or any other aspect of their humanity), had to face in order to volunteer as demonstrators to just obtain civil rights.
In truth, because of these courageous children, I (as a child of the 1980s) am a part of the FIRST generation of Americans to be born with full-fledged legal rights and protections against discrimination (like UN-fair housing) on the basis of the “Big 7” that we all have a right to today. That should be mind-boggling to realize this is such RECENT history, particularly for those younger than me!
How remarkable it is to know that today’s young people do not know the version of the United States of America that did not have legal protections for the “Big 7” (we know enforcement is a different conversation that we will discuss soon in this newsletter).
In that vein and in honor of Black History Month (February), please check out one of the stories of the child participants (my dad!). My retelling of his story from that time was published today by aptly named BitterSweet (a complimentary publication of the fast-growing community dedicated to racial healing, Coming to the Table).
All of those children were courageous unsung heroes in my figurative book and I wish we could name more of them. Thus, as you read (and please share) my dad’s story, I ask that you hold space and perhaps even have a moment of silence for all of the unnamed children that were willing to be martyrs for the generations to come (us!).
ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)
Real (Estate) Talk: Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials championing inclusion in real estate leadership featuring the 2022 Atlanta REALTORS® Association’s President, Karen Hatcher:
Real (Estate) Talk: The Courage to Advocate for Change with 30+ Year Fair Housing Advocate, Elaine Gross:
Here's to YOUR success!
Dr. Lee